'Rendezvous': portrait of a new European strawberry cultivar

K. Olbricht, H. Wagner, U. Gerischer
Early cultivars are particularly important in the assortment of European strawberry production. All breeding programmes in Europe focus on this harvest segment with their breeding strategies. Hansabred is presenting its first early ripening cultivar 'Rendezvous'. 'Rendezvous' is a very early June-bearer with large to medium-sized fruits (20-29 g on average, with primary fruit weighing up to 34 g), a high percentage of class 1 fruit, shiny bright red, very attractive, very glossy fruit appearance, that is also stable after cold storage, firm fruit flesh, medium firm fruit skin and superior scores for shelf life. 'Rendezvous' has a very pleasant, aromatic flavour, with no aroma drift under different climatic conditions, and maintains a stable aroma after storage. The yield is high depending on the cultivation system (up to 1300 g plant‑1 if planted as plug plant on the field the year before). Typically plants have a vigorous habit with no apparent susceptibility to diseases when planted in open field and protected tunnel cultivation. European plant breeder's rights for 'Rendezvous' have been applied for. Concurrently, the cultivar is being commercially launched, targeted for the fresh market, the early market, self-picking, and the home garden market.
Olbricht, K., Wagner, H. and Gerischer, U. (2021). 'Rendezvous': portrait of a new European strawberry cultivar. Acta Hortic. 1309, 157-162
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1309.23
Fragaria × ananassa Duch., June-bearer, breeding, cultivar

Acta Horticulturae