Isolation and phenotypical characterization of the FT-like genes in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa)

S. Sabbadini, A. Gaston, A. Potier, B. Denoyes, R. Cappelletti, G. Giovanetti, B. Mezzetti
Plant FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) homologous play key roles in flowering cycle and during various developmental processes. So far, there has still been limited research on flowering processes and regulations in the octoploid strawberry. In this study, the orthologues of the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) genes, including FvFT2 and FvFT3 from Fragaria vesca (diploid), were isolated and characterized by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in the octoploid strawberry cultivar 'Sveva' (June-bearing). Four and three transgenic lines of 'Sveva', transformed with the two different FT-like genes (FvFT2 and FvFT3), respectively, were in vitro elongated and acclimatized in the greenhouse. Preliminary results showed that the plant architecture of the transgenic lines obtained was significantly different compared to the wild-type controls. The overexpression of the two FT-like genes in the transgenic lines resulted in the balance between sexual/asexual reproduction patterns. Our investigation suggests that FvFT2 gene has positive effect on the flowering promotion, and FvFT3 gene on stolons production.
Sabbadini, S., Gaston, A., Potier, A., Denoyes, B., Cappelletti, R., Giovanetti, G. and Mezzetti, B. (2021). Isolation and phenotypical characterization of the FT-like genes in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa). Acta Hortic. 1309, 217-222
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1309.32
cultivated strawberry, flowering, genetic transformation, FT-like genes

Acta Horticulturae