Strawberry production (Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne ex Rozier) in coconut fiber slabs under greenhouse, a teaching tool

E. Cedillo, L.P. Martínez, P. Castro, F.D. Contreras
Strawberry production in Mexico has been increasing in recent years. In 2018, 13,562 ha were harvested in Mexico, while in 2010 only 6,273 ha were harvested. It means that in a period of 8 years, there has been an increase of more than 100%. The main producing state is Michoacán with more than 76% of the cultivated area in Mexico. The majority of strawberry is cultivated in the open field and a small area in tunnels of low technology. Strawberry production under greenhouse conditions is still very scarce in Mexico and there is little information about it. The Center of Productive Practices of the Faculty of Higher Studies Aragon of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, is a learning and knowledge space of protected agriculture for students of the Bachelor of Planning for Agricultural Development. In the period from August 2017 to March 2018, 'Festival' strawberry was grown under greenhouse conditions in coconut fiber slabs. The objective of doing this was for students to learn about strawberry production and management, but also to participate in the planning, design and implementation of this type of projects to support farmers once they graduate. However, water quality is not the most appropriate in the study area, as it has a high concentration of salts and bicarbonates. Coconut fiber slabs of 100×15×12 cm with a capacity of 18 L were used, with a separation between plants of 20 cm and between slabs of 15 cm. Drip tape irrigation and a modified Steiner nutrient solution were used. The students experienced, observed and learned to carry out the strawberry crop management practices. Under a constructivist approach, students learned by doing, it means that they participated in the whole productive process.
Cedillo, E., Martínez, L.P., Castro, P. and Contreras, F.D. (2021). Strawberry production (Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne ex Rozier) in coconut fiber slabs under greenhouse, a teaching tool. Acta Hortic. 1309, 303-308
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1309.44
subtrate, nutritive solution, crop, protected agriculture, slabs

Acta Horticulturae