Preliminary characterization of morphological and sensorial profile of the fresh fig (Ficus carica L.) fruits obtained from four Croatian cultivars

K. Brkić Bubola, E. Šetić, M. Krapac, A. Novoselić
Morphological and sensorial profile of fresh fruits of four Croatian fig cultivars (‘Bjelica’, ‘Zamorčica’, ‘Šaraguja’ and ‘Črnica’) grown in the Istria region (Croatia) were obtained. Soluble solids, water and dry matter content in figs were also determined. Difference in soluble solids among cultivars was not detected, but ‘Bjelica’ had the highest water and the lowest total dry matter content. ‘Črnica’ and ‘Zamorčica’ had globose shape, different from ‘Šaraguja’ (oblong) and ‘Bjelica’ (oblate). The highest weight of fruit had ‘Šaraguja’ and ‘Črnica’, while the lowest ‘Zamorčica’. ‘Bjelica’ had the largest ostiole width. ‘Zamorčica’ and ‘Bjelica’ had medium fruit cavity differentiated from other cultivars (small). All figs were easy to peel, except ‘Zamorčica’ fruits. During sensory analysis, appearance and texture of the exterior and interior, aroma, flavor, taste, aftertaste and ease of peeling were evaluated. Each investigated fig cultivar had characteristic appearance and flavor sensory profiles. Colors of the fruit skin and pulp were completely different among cultivars. The color of the pith was off-white in all cultivars, except in ‘Bjelica’ (yellow). The skin texture was similar for ‘Bjelica’ and ‘Zamorčica’ (hairy low, matte) and differed from ‘Črnica’ (smooth, glossy, waxy, powdery) and ‘Šaraguja’ (smooth, matte). ‘Črnica’ had the highest bitterness, astringency, skin thickness and stickiness, while the lowest sweetness. ‘Zamorčica’ had the lowest pith firm and the highest seed crunchiness. The overall aroma intensity was high in all cultivars, except in ‘Črnica’ (medium). The other fruity aroma, with exception fig aroma, was different among cultivars. The position of the ostiole was open in ‘Bjelica’ and ‘Šaraguja’, and closed in ‘Zamorčica’ and ‘Črnica’. A further study regarding the level of maturity, harvesting year and locations on the sensory profiles of Croatian fig cultivars are needed.
Brkić Bubola, K., Šetić, E., Krapac, M. and Novoselić, A. (2021). Preliminary characterization of morphological and sensorial profile of the fresh fig (Ficus carica L.) fruits obtained from four Croatian cultivars. Acta Hortic. 1310, 101-108
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1310.16
fig cultivar, fresh fig fruit, pomological characteristics, sensorial characteristics, aroma, taste

Acta Horticulturae