Some factors affecting in vitro propagation of Kaempferia rotunda
In vitro propagation studies of Kaempferia rotunda were carried out.
Pseudostem explants excised from stock culture, 1.5 cm in height, were cultured for 8 weeks.
It was found that liquid MS media promoted shoot multiplication better than agar MS media.
There was 5.63 shoots explant‑1 produced in liquid media while 4.05 shoots explant‑1 were produced in agar media.
Adding 0.5, 1.0 mg L‑1 of BAP or TDZ induced 4.70-6.15 shoots explant‑1 which was significantly more than 2.80 shoots explant‑1 produced in basic MS media.
Activated charcoal (AC) decreased shoot number but increased the height of plantlets.
However, it did not affect the number and size of leaves, the number of roots, and root length.
Various concentrations of sucrose had no significant effects on the number of shoots, 1.10-1.45 shoots explant‑1 were produced.
However, 8% sucrose could decrease height, the number of leaves, and the size of leaves but could increase the number of roots having a significantly shorter length.
Plantlets were successfully transferred to the greenhouse having a 95% of survival rate.
Sotthikul, C. and Potihongsa, S. (2021). Some factors affecting in vitro propagation of Kaempferia rotunda. Acta Hortic. 1315, 99-104
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1315.15
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1315.15
Kaempferia rotunda, thidiazuron, BAP, activated charcoal, sucrose, in vitro, propagation
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- Division Vine and Berry Fruits
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