Evaluation of some apricot hybrids obtained in Romania

V.A. Oprita, C. Gavat
The results presented in this paper were obtained at the Research Station for Fruit Growing Constanta located in the south-eastern part of Romania. A good starting point for apricot breeding work was the germplasm found which had more than 600 genitors from all over the world; it was used to identify sources of genes for the breeding program. Standard breeding techniques as cross-pollination, self-pollination, and open pollination were used and more than 18,000 hybrids have been evaluated and 380 genotypes were tested. Out of these five apricot hybrids ‘V.T 96.08.81’, ‘V.T 85’, ‘V.T 39/45’, ‘V.T 91.01.48’, ‘V.T 94.02.88’ had the best results regarding: extending the harvest season, high quality of the fruit, good taste, resistance to transport, tolerance/resistance to the main diseases, etc.
Oprita, V.A. and Gavat, C. (2021). Evaluation of some apricot hybrids obtained in Romania. Acta Hortic. 1315, 191-194
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1315.29
Prunus armeniaca, cultivars, climatically conditions, frost resistance, yields

Acta Horticulturae