Effect of fig mosaic disease on carbohydrates metabolism and pigments content of fig leaves

H. Zare, A. Zamanifar, M. Yassaie
Fig mosaic disease (FMD) is known as the most important infectious disorder of fig (Ficus carica L.). This disease is the most common and widespread viral disease of fig that is globally distributed with highly variable symptoms. As the viral infections often affects metabolism, photosynthesis, and carbon assimilation of their hosts, this study has been conducted to determine the effects of Fig mosaic virus (FMV) on some physiological and biochemical properties of fig such as carbohydrates, pigments content in leaves in healthy and infected fig trees in Estahban (Fars province). The polymerase chain reaction was employed to confirm the healthy and FMV infected fig trees that were showing leaf mosaic symptoms. Leaf samples were prepared using labeled trees that were determined as healthy, infected without, and with symptoms. A significant reduction in carotenoids, chlorophyll a, b, and total chlorophyll, as well as starch content were observed in infected leaves comparing to healthy ones. Significant reduction in photosynthesis rate and metabolism of carbohydrates is assumed as the consequences of the above changes. Total sugar concentration was significantly increased in infected symptomatic leaves compared to infected asymptomatic and healthy leaves. Leaf width and its tissue firmness were reduced in symptomatic fig leaves.
Zare, H., Zamanifar, A. and Yassaie, M. (2021). Effect of fig mosaic disease on carbohydrates metabolism and pigments content of fig leaves. Acta Hortic. 1315, 439-444
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1315.65
carbohydrates, pigments, starch, tissue firmness

Acta Horticulturae