Effect of high CO2 atmospheric packaging on postharvest quality of fresh pistachio fruits ('Badami')
The present study was performed to investigate the effects of high CO2 controlled atmosphere packaging on the shelf life and fruit quality of fresh pistachio fruits.
The experiment was based on complete randomized design (CRD), four atmospheric conditions at four replications.
Fully ripe fresh pistachio fruits were stored at 5% O2 with elevated concentrations of CO2 (5, 25, and 45%) all balanced with N2, while ambient air was used as control.
Fruits were stored at 4°C for 45 days.
The characteristics such as hull firmness, color, weight loss, and sensorial quality were measured at the end of storage.
The results showed that packing gas composition affected weight loss, color, and sensorial quality factors.
However, no significant differences were found in hull firmness, chroma, and hue angle.
According to the results, CO2 application in the storage atmosphere decreased weight loss.
The highest CO2 concentration led to the lowest weight loss (0.147%), whereas, using ambient air in the packages showed the highest weight loss (0.182%). in this experiment, Regarding the flavor, trained panelists preferred the fruits stored under low concentrations of CO2. The results also confirmed that increasing CO2 concentration into packages did not have a significant effect on the main postharvest quality factors.
Furthermore, it can be concluded that despite adding different concentrations of CO2, fruits experienced similar atmospheric conditions in the sealed packages.
Sheikhi, A. and Mirdehghan, S.H. (2021). Effect of high CO2 atmospheric packaging on postharvest quality of fresh pistachio fruits ('Badami'). Acta Hortic. 1315, 615-618
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1315.90
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1315.90
firmness, weight loss, color values, shelf life, browning
- Division Temperate Tree Fruits
- Division Tropical and Subtropical Fruit and Nuts
- Division Vine and Berry Fruits
- Division Temperate Tree Nuts
- Division Ornamental Plants
- Division Vegetables, Roots and Tubers
- Division Physiology and Plant-Environment Interactions of Horticultural Crops in Field Systems
- Division Postharvest and Quality Assurance
- Division Precision Horticulture and Engineering
- Division Horticulture for Development