Using magnesium oxide nanomaterial as a novel tool for bacterial disease management

Y.Y. Liao, A. Strayer-Scherer, S. Santra, J.B. Jones, M.L. Paret
Bacterial spot of tomato is caused by four Xanthomonas species and is one of the most devastating bacterial diseases of tomato globally. In Florida, USA chemical control has been a challenge following the appearance of copper (Cu)-tolerant Xanthomonas strains. In recent years, numerous studies have demonstrated the greater antibacterial properties of nanomaterials. Some of these nanomaterials have better antibacterial activity toward copper-tolerant bacterial strains. Magnesium (Mg) is an important plant micronutrient for plants; over the past decade, micron-sized and nano-sized MgO (Nano-MgO) particles were shown to have antimicrobial activity against several mammalian and plant pathogens. In this study, Nano-MgO (20 nm) was evaluated for toxicity to a Cu-tolerant X. perforans strain in vitro by determining toxicity to living X. perforans cells. Viability assay demonstrated that Nano-MgO is bactericidal in nature against Xanthomonas perforans strains. Nano-MgO (20 nm) was also tested for control of bacterial spot disease of tomato in the field. In field studies, bacterial spot disease severity was significantly reduced by Nano-MgO compared to the untreated control (UT), whereas the grower standard treatment, a combination of a copper bactericide and ethylene-bis-dithiocarbamate (Cu-EBDC), was not significantly different from the UT (p=0.05). Based on the preliminary findings, Nano-MgO could be an effective alternative to the current grower standard.
Liao, Y.Y., Strayer-Scherer, A., Santra, S., Jones, J.B. and Paret, M.L. (2021). Using magnesium oxide nanomaterial as a novel tool for bacterial disease management. Acta Hortic. 1316, 75-80
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1316.11
nanotechnology, bacteriology, disease management

Acta Horticulturae