Fruit characteristic of new plum cultivars bred in Czech Republic

I. Novotná, V. Danková, G. Pravcová, R. Vávra
Six new plum cultivars ‘Amátka’, ‘Dwarf’, ‘Kamir’, ‘Stáňa’, ‘Simona’ and ‘Samera’ were released in the Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy Ltd. ‘Amátka’ is an early ripening cultivar with medium to high fruit size (34-46 g). ‘Dwarf’ is an early ripening cultivar with very specific columnar shape of the tree growth. Fruit size is small to medium (27-32 g). ‘Kamir’ is medium late to late ripening cultivar with high to very large fruits (45-67 g) and excellent acidulated fruit taste. ‘Stáňa’ is a medium late ripening cultivar. Fruits are small to medium (28-34 g) and sweet to acidulated taste. ‘Simona’ is a medium early ripening cultivar, fruit size is small (20-33 g) and sweet to acidulated taste. ‘Samera’ is a medium late ripening cultivar and has medium to large fruits (34-57 g) with very juicy and acidulated taste. All cultivars are tolerant to Plum pox virus (PPV) and have good stone separation with precocious, high and regular productivity.
Novotná, I., Danková, V., Pravcová, G. and Vávra, R. (2021). Fruit characteristic of new plum cultivars bred in Czech Republic. Acta Hortic. 1322, 109-112
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1322.17
Prunus, fruit size, fruit weight, productivity, fruit taste

Acta Horticulturae