Evaluation of mulch weed control options within varied nitrogen sources during hop establishment
An increase in craft breweries and the desire to support local products has increased the interest in hop (Humulus lupulus L.) production in North Dakota and the northern Great Plains, a region that had no commercial hop production approximately five years ago.
A field trial was conducted to determine the effects of nitrogen source and alternative weed control methods on hop establishment in North Dakota.
Trials had three cultivars (Cascade, Mt.
Hood, and Santiam), four mulch types (no mulch, wheat straw, wood chips, and landscape fabric), and three nitrogen sources (urea, SuperU®, and ESN®). Results suggested that fertilizer source did not influence hop establishment the first year.
The use of a mulch and especially landscape fabric was beneficial for hop establishment due to greater weed suppression in general, soil warming similar to no mulch, but greater soil moisture when compared to no mulch.
However, there were no differences in hop growth or cone yield the first year due to mulch type.
In general, Cascade outperformed Mt.
Hood and Santiam in the current trial.
Further research is needed to determine cultivars with superior performance for the northern Great Plains region as well as basic growing practices for optimal hop production.
Research results also posed new questions about optimal nitrogen rates for first year establishment and subsequent years for this region along with optimal mulch thickness and the long-term effect of mulching on hop vigor, yield, and hardiness that must be addressed in the future.
Forward, L., Auwarter, C. and Hatterman-Valenti, H. (2021). Evaluation of mulch weed control options within varied nitrogen sources during hop establishment. Acta Hortic. 1328, 135-144
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1328.19
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1328.19
Humulus lupulus, hop cultivars, organic mulch, landscape fabric, nitrogen fertilizer