About the epidermic cells in 'Rosa Narcea'

R. Álvarez-Nogal, P. Molíst, J.L. Santiago, S. Boso, P. Gago, M.C. Martinez
Epidermic cells of ‘Rosa Narcea’ are studied at three different moments along the blooming. Qualitative and quantitative studies are carried out. Qualitative research was done by histochemical techniques and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The quantitative one was done by using images obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Both adaxial and abaxial epidermic cells in the ‘Rosa Narcea’ present cuticular striation. The volatile essential oils which determine the ‘Rosa Narcea’ scent have to cross through the cuticle in order to go out. Under transmission electron microscopy (TEM), some microchannels through which the smell molecules are probably released, are observed. These canaliculi are concentrated in the cuticular striation area. The quantitative analysis indicates that there is a higher number of cells and with thicker striation in the epidermis of those roses blooming at the end of the blossom season. This allows the team to hypothesize that the smell emission will be higher at the beginning of July than at the beginning of May, although nothing may be inferred about the aroma quality.
Álvarez-Nogal, R., Molíst, P., Santiago, J.L., Boso, S., Gago, P. and Martinez, M.C. (2021). About the epidermic cells in 'Rosa Narcea'. Acta Hortic. 1331, 73-80
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1331.10
'Rosa Narcea', ancient rose, histological, petals, lipid components, ultrastructure

Acta Horticulturae