Preliminary phenotypic characterization of Sorbus domestica L. under selection for timber and fruit production in Slovakia
Sorbus domestica L. (true service tree) is a promising woody plant for urban and landscape greenery.
Twelve genotypes of S. domestica of Slovakian and Austrian origin have been tested since 2011 in the Phenological Garden of Sorbus domestica in Dolné Plachtince for timber production, landscaping and fruit production.
In total 60 individuals of S. domestica were evaluated for their suitability for timber production using the superior phenotypes scoring method, which is a standard selection procedure for woody plants.
With the help of descriptors, we identified individuals with higher potential for timber production.
The results showed that S. domestica trees need pruning to avoid whorls of branches, which significantly reduce timber quality.
Bakay, L. and Rovná, K. (2021). Preliminary phenotypic characterization of Sorbus domestica L. under selection for timber and fruit production in Slovakia. Acta Hortic. 1331, 43-48
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1331.5
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1331.5
broadleaves, phenology, selection, phenotype, underutilised