First evidence of the effect of a new biostimulant made by Fabaceae tissue on ripening dynamics and must technological main parameters in Vitis vinifera 'Ribolla Gialla'

G. Mian, P. Cantone, F. Golinelli
Biostimulants are organic compounds that influence biochemical activity within plants, increasing the efficiency of the whole plant or its parts and they can increase the uptake of necessary nutrients. From this point of view, recently, great attention has been focused on the possibility of using natural and safe stimulants in viticulture. Moreover, protein hydrolysates (PHs) biostimulants are an important group of such products based on a mixture of peptides and amino acids, that have received increasing attention in the recent years due to their positive effects on crop performances. Hence, the aim of this work was to investigate the foliar application of a biostimulant developed by Ilsa SPA, in order to study its effect of on the yield components, technological maturity trend, and the effect on some must parameters interesting for winemaking. After one-studied year, the natural biostimulant had a positive action. Ripening was anticipated in the treated plants (TT), having had higher parameters at every stage than the not treated (NT). In addition, we report how the TT treatment reached a full maturity for local standards one week earlier than NT. Finally, there also was a good effect on must microbiome main components, since the yeasts present in the must was highest in TT.
Mian, G., Cantone, P. and Golinelli, F. (2022). First evidence of the effect of a new biostimulant made by Fabaceae tissue on ripening dynamics and must technological main parameters in Vitis vinifera 'Ribolla Gialla'. Acta Hortic. 1333, 317-322
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1333.41
grapevine, ripening, must, biostimulating

Acta Horticulturae