Understanding the selection of ornamental plants in Indonesian cities: gender preference and its background

I.P. Ruwaida, W.D. Widodo, A. Wachjar, A.D. Susila, N. Nasrullah, E. Santosa
The ornamental plants or greenery in a city play an essential role in purifying the air, creating aesthetics, reducing air pollution, and stimulating ecological dynamics. These plants may vary depending on inhabitant preference and city characteristics such as level of development, living standard, population, vision, and sites. The introduction of ornamental plants suitable to cities is commonly selected by an expert, resulting in uniformity among various areas. Therefore, this research surveyed city inhabitants to determine the factors influencing their preference for ornamental plants for public spaces. The interview was conducted in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Bogor, representing metropolitan, large, and small cities in Indonesia. Subsequently, the results summarized 35 ornamental plant species from 420 respondents, consisting of 248 females and 172 males. The species included 63.1% flowering plants, 47.4% non-flowering plants, and 0.2% grass. Jakarta citizens selected 21 species, while Yogyakarta and Bogor inhabitants selected 24 and 26 species, respectively. There was a relationship between the respondents’ backgrounds, such as gender, age, occupation, education, and the preference for ornamental plants. More female respondents, amounting to 79.0%, selected ornamental plants than males, at 62.8%, and the young citizens below 40 years preferred economic trees like fruit species, while those aged >40-year-old preferred ornamental species. Also, university graduates tended to select decorative flowers irrespective of monetary value, unlike those with only senior high school degrees. This finding implies that incorporating the age, gender, and education of city inhabitants in ornamental plant selection is essential.
Ruwaida, I.P., Widodo, W.D., Wachjar, A., Susila, A.D., Nasrullah, N. and Santosa, E. (2022). Understanding the selection of ornamental plants in Indonesian cities: gender preference and its background. Acta Hortic. 1334, 353-362
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1334.44
flowering plant, greenery, ornamental tree species, public participation

Acta Horticulturae