Effects of leaves and trunk selenium application on selenium enrichment and quality of persimmon fruits
Selenium (Se) is an essential nutrient for human growth and health.
As a direct source, increasing the Se concentration in horticultural plants, especially daily fruits, is the more efficient way to improve the Se absorption in human body.
However, current research on Se enrichment in persimmon fruit is very limited.
In present study, the effect of foliar and trunk Se applications on Se enrichment and quality of persimmon fruits were investigated.
Nine-year-old PCNA persimmon variety Youhou with uniform growth conditions were selected as materials.
Two methods of Se application including trunk injection and foliar spray were applied at 6, 10, 14, 18, and 22 weeks after flowering.
The results indicated that foliar application of Se effectively increased the Se concentration in PCNA persimmon fruits.
When Se was applied continuously for 3 or 5 times, the Se concentration increased significantly.
However, there were no influence of trunk injection on the Se accumulation in Youhou fruit.
Additionally, both Se application methods improved the fruit texture and nutritional quality of persimmon fruit in different degrees, such as the increase in fruit hardness and vitamin A (Va) concentration.
Moreover, Se application also affected the concentration of trace elements in persimmon fruit.
The phosphorus (P) and iodine (I) concentration of the fruit increased significantly.
However, both Se application methods exerted a negative effect on the persimmon fruit size, weight and zinc (Zn) concentration, which may reduce the yield of persimmon.
Meanwhile, foliar application of Se increased the iron concentration but reduced the manganese concentration of Youhou fruit, trunk Se application made no difference.
In summary, both Se application methods can improve persimmon fruit quality and together with increasing of P and I concentration, but may significantly reduce Zn concentration and affect the trace elements contents.
Moreover, the foliar application is suitable for Se enrichment and quality of persimmon fruits.
Yan, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, R., Yang, Y. and Guan, C. (2022). Effects of leaves and trunk selenium application on selenium enrichment and quality of persimmon fruits. Acta Hortic. 1338, 255-262
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1338.37
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1338.37
Diospyros kaki, foliar fertilization, trace elements, fruit quality