Intergeneric hybridization of Seidenfadenia mitrata (Rchb.f.) Garay with Ascocentrum spp.

N. Jitsopakul, Y. Jenrob, U. Pongket, K. Thammasiri
Intergeneric hybrids of Seidenfadenia mitrata (Rchb.f.) with Ascocentrum spp. were developed using Seidenfadenia mitrata (Rchb.f.) as a female parent and Ascocentrum spp. including Ascocentrum curvifolium (L.) Schltr. and Ascocentrum miniatum (L.) Schltr., as male parents. Pollinia of Ascocentrum spp. were collected from the flowers after 2 d of blooming and then were pollinated with the Seidenfadenia mitrata (Rchb.f.) flowers by hand-pollination. Results showed that the percentage of successful for pod formation was crosses between Seidenfadenia mitrata (Rchb.f.) × Ascocentrum curvifolium (L.) Schltr. and Seidenfadenia mitrata (Rchb.f.) × Ascocentrum miniatum (L.) Schltr. about 80 and 20%, respectively. Sizes of Seidenfadenia mitrata (Rchb.f.) × Ascocentrum curvifolium (L.) and Seidenfadenia mitrata (Rchb.f.) × Ascocentrum miniatum (L.) Schltr. mature pods were about 3.75 cm in length × 0.50 cm in width and 2.69 cm in length × 0.48 cm in width after 168 and 180 d of pollination, respectively. Pods of two hybrids produced seeds. Seeds of Seidenfadenia mitrata (Rchb.f.) × Ascocentrum curvifolium (L.) and Seidenfadenia mitrata (Rchb.f.) × Ascocentrum miniatum (L.) Schltr. germinated into protocorms after 60 and 40 d of sowing on MS agar medium (1962), respectively. Protocorms developed into shoots and roots after tranfered to modified VW agar medium (1949) supplemented with 150 mL L‑1 coconut water, 10 g L‑1 sucrose, 2 g L‑1 activated charcoal, 7 g L‑1 agar, and pH at 5.2. Plantlets of two hybrids were successfully acclimatized and grew in greenhouse conditions.
Jitsopakul, N., Jenrob, Y., Pongket, U. and Thammasiri, K. (2022). Intergeneric hybridization of Seidenfadenia mitrata (Rchb.f.) Garay with Ascocentrum spp.. Acta Hortic. 1339, 139-146
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1339.19
orchid, pod, pollination, pollinia, protocorm

Acta Horticulturae