Shoot multiplication of three Hedychium species via immersion temporary bioreactor

S. Rodpradit, P. Klaharn, P. Pumisutapon
Hedychium is a terrestrial zingiberaceous species with underground rhizomes, as a source of raw materials for pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. Therefore, demand for raw plant material was increased, resulting in over collection from the wild and habitat loss. This study was done to develop an effective technique for mass production by in vitro shoot multiplication of three Hedychium species, i.e., H. flavescens, H. boloveniorum, and H. stenopetalum. The effect of the semi-solid and liquid media using immersion temporary bioreactor (TIB) were compared. For the TIB, the frequencies and immersion durations were evaluated. After culture for 8 weeks, the results showed three Hedychium species cultured in TIB gave higher average shoot multiplication than semi-solid system. H. flavescens explants immersed in liquid MS medium for 5 min in every 4 h, gave the highest shoot multiplication at 8.33 shoots explant‑1. H. boloveniorum immersed for 10 min in every 6 h gave the highest shoot multiplication at 8.67 shoots per explant, and H. stenopetalum immersed for 5 min in every 3 h, gave the highest shoot multiplication of 7.17 shoots explant‑1. These results will be used to develop a protocol of shoot multiplication by TIB for large scale production of uniform and pathogen free of Hedychium for field plantations.
Rodpradit, S., Klaharn, P. and Pumisutapon, P. (2022). Shoot multiplication of three Hedychium species via immersion temporary bioreactor. Acta Hortic. 1339, 167-172
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1339.22
Zingiberaceae, ginger lily, micropropagation, TDZ, immersion frequency

Acta Horticulturae