Effects of fruit depulping on kernel quality of Canarium indicum

S.H. Bai, D. Hannet, G. Hannet, E. Grant, B. Komolong, K. Jones, H.M. Wallace
Postharvest nut processing methods can affect kernel quality. Fruit depulping is one of major postharvest steps in canarium nut processing that can affect kernel quality. Commercial processing facilities have well established methods for fruit depulping for canarium nuts. This study explores the impact of depulping using hot water-based systems on kernel quality and kernel oil oxidation by measuring hexanal concentration. Kernel discoloration was over 20% in fruit soaked in water for 5 h compared to those soaked for less than 2 h regardless of water temperature. Hexanal concentration was significantly higher in kernels soaked for 24 h than other treatments. We recommend soaking fruit for less than 2 h during depulping to ensure commercially acceptable kernels.
Bai, S.H., Hannet, D., Hannet, G., Grant, E., Komolong, B., Jones, K. and Wallace, H.M. (2022). Effects of fruit depulping on kernel quality of Canarium indicum. Acta Hortic. 1340, 145-148
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1340.22
kernel discoloration, hexanal concentration, oil oxidation, non-timber forest food, food security

Acta Horticulturae