Development of new Phalaenopsis cultivars using colchicine
Indonesia is one of the worlds centers of diversity and origin of orchids.
Orchids being one of the biggest flowering plant family consists of many genera, one of which is Phalaenopsis. There are about 50 species of indigenous Indonesian Phalaenopsis species, such as P. amabilis, P. equestris, P. gigantea, and P. belina. These indigenous species have relatively small dull colors with incomplete flower form, irregular flower direction, and a small number of flowers per stalk.
Multiplication of chromosomes number using colchicine could be used to produce new cultivars with bigger flowers.
Activities to achieve this goal are carried out by collecting the Phalaenopsis species, morphology characterization and ploidy analysis of the self or cross germplasm chromosomes, polyploidy induction using colchicine in vitro on protocorms, in vivo on seedlings, spikes, flower buds, and flowers after pollination.
This study produced plantlets and protocorm with some possibilities of individual set chromosomes: diploid, triploid, tetraploid, pentaploid, and hexaploid from flower buds, pollinated flower, and polyploidy-induced plantlets using colchicine.
These activities could generate an effective protocol for developing new Phalaenopsis cultivars in Indonesia.
Aziz, S.A., Sukma, D., Syukur, M. and Azmi, K.K. (2022). Development of new Phalaenopsis cultivars using colchicine. Acta Hortic. 1340, 223-230
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1340.35
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1340.35
indigenous species, Indonesia orchids, ornamental potential, polyploidy