Application of edible coating for keeping postharvest quality of ilama (Annona diversifolia Saff.) fruits

J. Salomon-Castaño, A.A. Martínez-Mendoza, O. Franco-Mora, Á. Castañeda-Vildózola, J.R. Sánchez-Pale
In Mexico, ilama (Annona diversifolia Saff.) fruit are harvested when peel starts cracking; thus, the flesh is exposed to biotic and abiotic environmental factors. We observed the postharvest behavior of some quality parameters of ilama fruit covered with a hawthorn pectin based edible coating and stored at three different temperatures. Coated and uncoated ilama fruit were stored at 21±2 (65% RH), 4°C (90% RH) and -20°C (95% RH). Under storage at 21±2°C, the uncoated fruit had a shelf life of 3 d, whereas the coated fruit lasted for 7 d. The fruit stored at 4 and -20°C could be stored for 11 d; nevertheless the peels of those fruit became hard; moreover, hardness was higher in the fruit without coating. At the three storage temperatures, coating reduced the accumulation of total soluble solids (TSS), respiration rate and peel degreening, suggesting a reduction in fruit metabolism. Also, lower storage temperature reduced accumulation of TSS. The edible coating studied herein has the potential to keep the postharvest shelf life of ilama fruits.
Salomon-Castaño, J., Martínez-Mendoza, A.A., Franco-Mora, O., Castañeda-Vildózola, Á. and Sánchez-Pale, J.R. (2022). Application of edible coating for keeping postharvest quality of ilama (Annona diversifolia Saff.) fruits. Acta Hortic. 1340, 55-60
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1340.8
Annonaceae, climacteric, fruit quality, modified atmosphere, shelf life

Acta Horticulturae