Non-targeted metabolomics unveil ABA and ascorbic acid as two key molecules for endodormancy release in almond

J. Guillamón-Guillamón, Á.S. Prudencio, J.E. Yuste, F. Dicenta, R. Sánchez-Pérez
Endodormancy is a protector state, which allows perennial fruit trees like Prunus species to survive against the adverse conditions of winter. During it, chill is accumulated by flower buds and after the fulfillment of a certain amount of chill, buds will be able to release from endodormancy. This amount of chill is known as the chilling requirements. Recently, some metabolites have been studied for playing a key role in endodormancy release. Thus, in this study, we performed a non-target metabolomic analysis with the flower buds of four almond cultivars (‘Desmayo Largueta’, ‘Antoñeta’, ‘Penta’ and ‘Tardona’) with different chilling requirements. After obtaining the raw data from the equipment (UPLC-QTOF), performed a statistical analysis, where we selected the metabolites with significant variations for their identification against the Metlin, HMDB and KEGG databases. The analysis of this data allowed us to identify both, the metabolites showing meaningful variations during endodormancy release, as well as the metabolic pathway where they are located. From these metabolites, ascorbic acid was the one that varied significantly in the four cultivars, increasing throughout and after endodormancy release. Ascorbic acid is a small molecule from the glutathione metabolism, widely described in Prunus for its role as a strong reductive species in different physiological processes. However, its function in the endodormancy release process still need to be clarify. ABA, p-coumaric, sorbitol and sorbitol-6-phosphate also exhibited substantial changes after endodormancy release, in some cultivars. In the last years, the role of ABA has been widely described as an endodormancy inducer and high levels of this phytohormone has been associated with decreases of other metabolites such as phenylpropanoids, ascorbic acid or flavonoids. This work should be considered a first step in the development of endodormancy release biomarkers, which could result in future endodormancy release modulators for Prunus species.
Guillamón-Guillamón, J., Prudencio, Á.S., Yuste, J.E., Dicenta, F. and Sánchez-Pérez, R. (2022). Non-targeted metabolomics unveil ABA and ascorbic acid as two key molecules for endodormancy release in almond. Acta Hortic. 1342, 55-62
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1342.8
abscisic acid, dormancy breaking, flower buds, LC-MS/MS, Prunus dulcis

Acta Horticulturae