Characterization and engineering analysis of properties of edible films

S.O. Jama, O.A. Fawole, U.L. Opara, A. Ambaw
Packaging is a key step for fresh produce to extend shelf life, reduce spoilage, and ensure safety during marketing. As packaging materials, plastics are non-biodegradable and non-renewable, which lead to environmental pollution and cause serious ecological problems. Therefore, edible packaging (edible films and coatings) has attracted much attention for replacing traditional plastic packages in the fresh fruit industry due to its non-toxicity, health and safety, and pollution-free advantages. In this study, films based on gum Arabic (GA), methylcellulose (MC), and chitosan (CH) were prepared. The aim of this work was to analyse and characterize the effects of polymer concentrations on physicochemical, mechanical and water vapour barrier properties of the different films. Results showed that the MC and CH films were flexible and free-standing with much lower cracking and shrinkage than GA film. For MC films, tensile strength was not significantly affected (p>0.05) in the tested range (0.5-1.5% w/w). An increase in concentration decreased Young’s modulus of both MC and CH films.
Jama, S.O., Fawole, O.A., Opara, U.L. and Ambaw, A. (2022). Characterization and engineering analysis of properties of edible films. Acta Hortic. 1349, 455-460
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1349.61
packaging, edible films, gum arabic, chitosan and methylcellulose, mechanical properties

Acta Horticulturae