Technical and economic references for market garden microfarms in organic agriculture

M. Conseil, S. Rivière, A. De Lapparent, D. Berry, J. Pellat, J. Leroy, A. Arnaud-Dupont, C. Icard, C. Hervouet, N. Herbeth, N. Sautereau
The number of diversified market garden microfarms is constantly increasing in France, despite the lack of references that would help to support installation trajectories and facilitate training and support of these innovative farmers. The project “Acquisition of technical and economic references for diversified, multi-performing organic farming microfarm systems (Microfermes Maraîchères Biologiques (MMBio), i.e. Organic Market Garden Microfarms – 2019-2023)” aims to acquire, consolidate, and disseminate technical and economic references for these systems. MMBio is based on in-depth surveys of a 40 of farms to assess their performance, viability and vivability. Survey methodology was co-constructed and shared between about 20 actors from different networks to acquire technical and economic references for complex agrosystems such as microfarms. The surveys carried out on these farms was the base on which we built a typology to organize the characterization of their functioning considering the farmers aspirations. We identified some success or risks factors in these farms installation, which will have to be verified and deepened by 2023. In the end, MMBio will propose tools to train and support project holders, monitor their trajectories and facilitate viable and sustainable installations in organic micro-gardening.
Conseil, M., Rivière, S., De Lapparent, A., Berry, D., Pellat, J., Leroy, J., Arnaud-Dupont, A., Icard, C., Hervouet, C., Herbeth, N. and Sautereau, N. (2022). Technical and economic references for market garden microfarms in organic agriculture. Acta Hortic. 1355, 295-302
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1355.37
performance, microfarms, diversification, viability, organic market gardening

Acta Horticulturae