Large-scale production of dye plants and plant extracts for industrial applications of natural dyes
Driven by the cosmetic industry demand for natural colors, the CRITT Horticole decided, in 1995, to carry out a unique and multidisciplinary research and development program on natural dyes for industrial applications such as textile, cosmetic, painting or bio-plastic.
The scale-up of the production of tinctorial plants and extracts has been done.
This led to the creation of the private company Couleurs de Plantes® in 2005, using the results of this R&D project to produce natural dyes and pigments on a large-scale for industrial customers and for craftsmen.
The present work gives an overview of the challenges that the natural dyes must face to answer to the industrial requirements such as quality and color control, standardization or international regulation.
de la Sayette, A. (2023). Large-scale production of dye plants and plant extracts for industrial applications of natural dyes. Acta Hortic. 1361, 131-140
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1361.15
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1361.15
tinctorial plants cultivation, natural dyes, plants extract, natural pigment, yield, mordant, color control