Use of X-ray-induced mutation in sweet cherry breeding

P. Suran, V. Nekvindová
Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) breeding programs produce commercial cuiltivars primarily using traditional breeding methods. Induced mutations and molecular biology methods represent a tool for acceleration and refining the breeding process. An increasingly desired feature is the self-pollination of sweet cherries. They are primarily self-incompatible, but some gene mutations can enable the self-compatibility. We induced the mutation of genes leading to self-pollination at the RBIP Holovousy in the Czech Republic. Branches with generative buds in the meiotic phase of pollen grains of sweet cherry cultivars ‘Tamara’, ‘Irena’ and ‘Burlat’ were irradiated with X-rays at a dose of 20 Gy. In 3 years, 493 sweet cherry embryos were sown, out of which 34 individuals were raised. They were then subjected to fragment analyses to determine the combination of S-alleles. An individual with a combination of S-alleles: mutated S4’S6 was identified in the genotypes. The initial combination of S-alleles was S4S6. In this individual, a mutation in the S4 allele is expected and will be verified by genotyping using SSR markers.
Suran, P. and Nekvindová, V. (2023). Use of X-ray-induced mutation in sweet cherry breeding. Acta Hortic. 1362, 195-198
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1362.26
biotechnology, cultivar, Prunus avium, S-allele, self-compatibility

Acta Horticulturae