Intrinsic variables with antimicrobial activity in Tamr date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) during storage
Understating the physicochemical and microbiological properties of fruit is indispensable for proper postharvest handling to improve fruit quality and safety.
Very limited studies have assessed the physicochemical characteristics and the microbial quality of date fruit.
Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the physicochemical and microbiological properties of Tamr fruit obtained from 13 different date cultivars grown in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) after 6 months of storage at 18°C. Different date fruit varied in physical parameters: weight, size, color, and firmness.
Among all cultivars, Razizi had the lowest weight and size.
Microbial analysis revealed that the microbial loads of the studied cultivars were significantly different. Nabtet saif and Sultana cvultivars had the highest mold/yeast and bacterial counts while Fard had the lowest microbial load.
Total sugar content ranged from 62.91 to 73.13% with the highest in Fard and the lowest in Sukkary and Deglet noor. The range of total organic acids was 123.31- 616.40 mg 100 g‑1 and Khenezi and Fard cultivars had the highest among studied cultivars, while phenolic content was the highest in Neighal and Razizi. These great variabilities in the results among the studied cultivars, reveal that more studies are needed to investigate the influence of fruit physicochemical and phytochemical characteristics on the microbial load during long storage.
Alkaabi, B.M.T., Alblooshi, S.M.M. and Ahmed, Z.F.R. (2023). Intrinsic variables with antimicrobial activity in Tamr date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) during storage. Acta Hortic. 1363, 135-142
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1363.20
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1363.20
date fruit, microbial load, organic acids, phenolics, storage