Use of essential oils from Eucalyptus globulus and Pistacia lentiscus as an additive to the holding solution of Chrysanthemum indicum cut flowers
Chrysanthemum is one of the most commercialized cut flowers, second after cut roses.
Today, a main challenge for florists and consumers is to extend the longevity of the cut flowers in vase.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of two essential oils (EO) (Eucalyptus globulous and Pistacia lentiscus) and their mixture, in two concentrations (50 and 150 mg L‑1), and their major common compound (α-pinene) in 4% sugar solution, as additives in the holding solution of cut flowers of Chrysanthemum indicum Pina colada. The experiment was carried out in growth chamber and a series of postharvest features was evaluated (vase life, dry matter, water loss, chlorophylls, color, stress indices). The solution was examined for total viable counts and yeasts and filamentous fungi concentrations.
Results revealed that even though water uptake was lower at the majority of the treatments with EO, dry matter, an indicator positively correlated with vase life, appeared significantly increased, after the applications with α-pinene (22.9-23.65%) and the mixtures of the EO (23.31-21.48%), compared to water (16.07%) or 4% sugar water (18.07%). Moreover, quality of the flower heads remained unaffected, while leaves started to wilt after day 9, at the high concentrations of EO. The promising results of the study indicate that the higher concentration of P. lentiscus and E. globulous resulted in a decrease of total viable counts in the solution (1.67 and 1.39 log decrease, respectively) compared to the control (sugar 4%). Moreover, yeasts and filamentous fungi, were found decreased at 150 mg L‑1 of Pistacia EO (1.36 log decrease) and 150 mg L‑1 Eucalyptus EO (1.16 log decrease) as opposed to sugar 4%. Based on this finding, alternative means of applications of the tested EO should be evaluated in a way to prolong vase life of chrysanthemum and even to improve postharvest features.
Toumazou, G., Xylia, P. and Chrysargyris, A. (2023). Use of essential oils from Eucalyptus globulus and Pistacia lentiscus as an additive to the holding solution of Chrysanthemum indicum cut flowers. Acta Hortic. 1363, 243-250
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1363.36
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1363.36
antimicrobial, preservation solution, water uptake, α-pinene