The state and evolution of organic fruit and vegetables: production and market at a world scale

H. Willer, C. Meier, B. Schlatter, J. Travnicek
The latest available data on certified organic agriculture worldwide from 190 countries shows that in 2020, almost 75 million ha of agricultural land (1.6% of the total farmland) were under organic management. Globally, 1.1 million ha of organic fruit and vegetables were grown in 2020, constituting 1% of the total area for these crops. Fruit and vegetables are among the most popular commodities on the organic market, reflected in high organic market shares. Apart from the current statistical information, this paper outlines the challenges of collecting data on organic fruit and vegetables, the status of organic fruit and vegetables worldwide, production-related challenges, the impact of current policies and an outlook based on the available data.
Willer, H., Meier, C., Schlatter, B. and Travnicek, J. (2023). The state and evolution of organic fruit and vegetables: production and market at a world scale. Acta Hortic. 1367, 1-12
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1367.1
organic exports, organic fruit, organic horticulture, organic imports, organic vegetables, organic retail sales

Acta Horticulturae