Consumer perception of yogurt flavoured with Moroccan date syrup

Y. Noutfia, N. Turkmen
This study aims to support efforts of women cooperatives to diversify their range of dairy products through the formulation of a new flavoured yogurt fortified with date syrup. At laboratory scale, eight batches of yogurt were produced from pasteurized and sterilized cow milk by dissolving 2 and 5% of date fruit syrup. The produced yogurt was assessed for its sensory quality on the basis of four attributes: odour, flavour, appearance and texture. Based on sensory quality, the result demonstrated that all of the yogurt categories produced from sterilized milk had higher scores than the flavoured pasteurized yogurt. Yogurt obtained from sterilized milk containing 5% of date palm syrup was very appreciated by consumers especially in terms of flavour and texture properties.
Noutfia, Y. and Turkmen, N. (2023). Consumer perception of yogurt flavoured with Moroccan date syrup. Acta Hortic. 1371, 339-342
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1371.47
yogurt, syrup, date, fortification, sensory quality

Acta Horticulturae