Analytics and comparative study of date fruit by-product quality
Different date by-products samples including syrup, jam, paste, seed, powder and seed coffee, were collected from Moroccan oases and different physico chemical properties (pH, moisture, total sugars, and dry matter) and microbiological analysis were performed.
Results registered highest moisture levels among jam and paste samples, reaching 35.96±8.65 and 22.94±5.27%, respectively, while date powder, seed coffee and seed powder presented the lowest moisture levels, ranging between 2.5±1.07 and 4.65±1.59%. pH of all samples was slightly acidic and varies from 4.56±0.10 to 5.35±0.87. Date syrup samples had the highest total sugar contents, while seed coffee presented the lowest amount of total sugar.
This diversion may be due to date cultivars used for production, and to different date by-products production process.
Enumeration of spoilage microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria has shown that all of the samples are micro-biologically compliant.
Pathogenic bacteria (coliforms and Staphylococcus aureus) were not detectable in all samples.
Spoilage microorganisms (TVC, molds and yeasts and Bacillus) were indistinguishable in syrup, jam and powder.
Low moisture levels, acidic pH and addition of aromas and phenolic compounds during production process provide better protection against spoilage microorganisms.
However, traditional production process of date by-products in Morocco still presents hygienic defects, inciting its structure for maximal valorization of dates in Morocco.
Laout, O., Jdaini, K., Guerrouj, K. and Elhoumaizi, M.A. (2023). Analytics and comparative study of date fruit by-product quality. Acta Hortic. 1371, 423-428
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1371.58
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1371.58
date, by-products, spoilage, quality, microbiological, physico-chemical