Struvite as a reliable and more environmental friendly alternative of nutrients for vegetable crops

J.S. Rubio-Asensio, F. Abbatantuono, J.L. Ruiz-García, M. Parra, R.M. Martínez, D.S. Intrigliolo
Finding alternative sources of nutrients for agriculture is becoming increasingly necessary. Struvite provides phosphorus, nitrogen and magnesium, and can be obtained from sewage treatment plant waste in the form of salt. In this experiment, carried out in 3-L pots and using a sandy clay-loam soil without phosphorus in its composition, 5 treatments were compared. These were based on the supply of two different salt sources (struvite (STV) vs. monoammonium phosphate (MAP)) and two doses of phosphorus (20 vs. 50 mg kg‑1). Treatments were: i) without supply of solid fertilizer; ii) 20 ppm of MAP; iii) 20 ppm of STV; iv) 50 ppm of MAP; and v) 50 ppm of STV. Except P and N, the rest of nutrients were applied by fertigation, and all plants received the same dose of them. The effects of the treatments were observed on the biomass production of endive and muskmelon plants, the total N and P concentration in shoot and root, and the N and P recovery efficiency. The main results prove that biomass production of both crops increases as fertilizer dose increase, regardless of the nutrient source, and that struvite, without yielding the same plant biomass as MAP, provides results that make struvite salt a reliable source of P, N and Mg.
Rubio-Asensio, J.S., Abbatantuono, F., Ruiz-García, J.L., Parra, M., Martínez, R.M. and Intrigliolo, D.S. (2023). Struvite as a reliable and more environmental friendly alternative of nutrients for vegetable crops. Acta Hortic. 1375, 337-342
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1375.44
monoammonium phosphate, biomass production, endive, muskmelon, circular economy

Acta Horticulturae