An updated glossary of terms and basic characteristics of growing media

J. Caron, G. Schmilewski, B.W. Alsanius, Y. Zheng, J.C. Michel
In the research community of growing media, there is an increasing confusion related to inappropriate use of terms, and to a lack of description of minimal chemical, physical, biological characteristics of growing media and their components for adequate data interpretation in scientific publications. A survey was conducted between the summer of 2019 and the autumn of 2020 among growing media scientists worldwide to help addressing these two issues and published later as a basic framework (Caron and Zheng, 2021). In 2022, a workshop was organized to update terms and definitions and report further progress with respect to terms and basic characteristics. This paper summarizes the improvement of the glossary suggested by Caron and Zheng (2021).
Caron, J., Schmilewski, G., Alsanius, B.W., Zheng, Y. and Michel, J.C. (2023). An updated glossary of terms and basic characteristics of growing media. Acta Hortic. 1377, 925-934
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1377.116
growing media components, chemical properties, biological properties, physical properties, standards

Acta Horticulturae