Effects of blue photoconversion film on tomato young plants under controlled environmental conditions

E. Jamet, V. Guérin, S. Lemarié, A. Matthieu, G. Guignard, V. Labbé, L. Gatard, R. Gardet, C. Le Bigot, L. Crespel, S. Demotes-Mainard, J. LeGourrierec, K. Proost, J. Bertheloot, F. Peilleron, S. Sakr
Photoconversion film technology is one of the solutions to increase food production for the growing global population. This technology optimises the use of the solar spectrum through redirection of the wavelengths toward the most beneficial ones for the plant, such as blue. Previous studies about the effects of blue light on tomatoes have shown a reduction in stem elongation and an increase in plants’ defence capacity. This study is a proof of concept of the LitePlus® DR Tomato greenhouse foils effects, which enrich the solar spectrum with blue radiation, on tomatoes in comparison to conventional one. Six trials were conducted with two tunnels, each corresponding to a film modality (Blue and Reference) in phytotron. Under each tunnel were placed 30 ‘Ventero’ tomato seedlings from their germination to the 7-8 leaf stage. The growing conditions were precisely controlled at 70% humidity and 22°C/18°C for day/night. Tunnels were placed under plasma lights, which deliver a spectrum close to the solar spectrum, at a light intensity of 250 µmol m‑2 s‑1 for a 16 h/day photoperiod. The measured variables were non-destructive kinetic variables on phenotypic characteristics, namely tomato plant height, growth rate, and third leaf length of the plants. LitePlus® DR Tomato films impact the growth and development of young tomato plants during vegetative phase by reducing growth speed and leaf area, and does not affect the appearance of the flowering. These observations fit very well with the well-described blue LEDS-related effects on young tomato plants.
Jamet, E., Guérin, V., Lemarié, S., Matthieu, A., Guignard, G., Labbé, V., Gatard, L., Gardet, R., Le Bigot, C., Crespel, L., Demotes-Mainard, S., LeGourrierec, J., Proost, K., Bertheloot, J., Peilleron, F. and Sakr, S. (2023). Effects of blue photoconversion film on tomato young plants under controlled environmental conditions. Acta Hortic. 1377, 269-274
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1377.32
greenhouse, sunlight, blue light, plant growth, Lycopersicon esculentum, vegetative phase

Acta Horticulturae