Evaluation of environmental parameters of a phytotron for cannabis cultivation

J.M. Galindo, P.A. Uribe, L.C. González
A phytotron is a space in which plant material is sought to be cultivated, in this particular case Cannabis sativa L., simulating optimal environmental conditions, through equipment in charge of controlling and modifying variables such as temperature, relative humidity, light conditions, irrigation, ventilation and extraction. For this work, a closed room was adapted by installing a mobile platform that graduates the LED lighting at different heights, establishing the minimum height at 80 cm, a hydraulic network for irrigation and humidifiers. In addition, an electrical network was installed to control heating, lighting, extraction, and ventilation, controlled by means of a human machine interface (HMI) placed at the entrance door, where the temperature and relative humidity variables are monitored. Based on these variables, decisions are made regarding the programming and requirements of the plant. The equipment was evaluated in day/night cycles with plants and without plants inside, where there was continuous air exchange, heating on during daylight hours and foggers off. In the test without plants, it was possible to obtain a maximum internal temperature of 32.3°C and a minimum of 24.6°C; and with plants, a maximum internal temperature of 28.5°C and a minimum of 24.4°C was observed. Likewise, a maximum RH of 66.5% with plants and 51.6% without plants was observed. Regarding the measured radiation tests, an average of 740.6 μmol m‑2 s‑1 was obtained for the four lamps at 30 cm. These values allow, together with other variables, the calculation of the potential evapotranspiration which will allow a system design. most suitable and efficient irrigation in indoor systems.
Galindo, J.M., Uribe, P.A. and González, L.C. (2023). Evaluation of environmental parameters of a phytotron for cannabis cultivation. Acta Hortic. 1377, 33-38
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1377.4
temperature, radiation, HMI, PLC lighting, indoor, cannabis

Acta Horticulturae