The BreedingValue integrated data platform
In the EU-funded project BreedingValue, we are following a holistic approach to generate the necessary data and know-how required to conduct comprehensive breeding programs aimed at developing modern berry cultivars that are both globally competitive and satisfy the demands of a growing market.
Not only are we characterizing and storing variation held in plant genetic resources, but we are also gathering information from pre-breeding material, selection populations, and traditional and modern cultivars.
The germplasm used in this work is phenotypically characterized in the field and greenhouse and genotypic analyses are performed using molecular markers.
A metabolomic study will lead to a better understanding of the metabolites underlying environmental stresses and help identify crucial compounds that constitute aroma, flavor and taste characteristics.
This will be combined with a sensory study conducted with a trained panel of sensory experts.
Finally, consumer preferences across Europe are assessed via an acceptance study and an online survey.
As part of the Open Data initiative of the EU and following FAIR principles (making data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable), data, metadata and results of BreedingValue will be made publicly available using the online platform Germinate ( that serves as data repository for a diverse range of species covering cereals, legumes and solanaceous crops.
Not only growers and breeders but also researchers from other disciplines can benefit from the data stored on the platform, to share, and re-use in further analyses.
Additionally, data from previous projects as well as published data from other sources will be integrated.
Visualization tools will be developed so that users can interact and explore their data.
Machine learning approaches will reveal trait associations that link phenotype, genetical background and metabolomes.
Raw data can be made available for download in standard formats.
Here we will present an overview of the BreedingValue project and the data management platform.
Senger, E., Shaw, P., Raubach, S., Olbricht, K. and Usadel, B. (2023). The BreedingValue integrated data platform. Acta Hortic. 1381, 75-80
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1381.10
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1381.10
multi-omics data, data management, data repository, berry breeding, FAIR data