Development of new mandarin cultivars from ‘Satsuma’ × ‘Clementine’ hybridization combination

E. Turgutoğlu, S. Kurt, G. Demir
Mandarin fruits, which make up approximately 47% of Turkey’s total citrus exports, have an important place. Satsuma group mandarins take the lead in terms of production and export volume. In order to compete in domestic and foreign markets for citrus fruits, the first condition is to obtain new cultivars that will increase quality and yield and allow production throughout the year. Within the scope of the project initiated in 1997 in the Batı Akdeniz Agricultural Research Institute (BATEM), 53 different hybridization combinations have been carried out so far. In the studies, 411 hybrids were obtained from the combination using satsuma as a female parent and clementine tangerine as a male parent. As a result of the analysis and observations made on these hybrids, 12 promising hybrid individuals were determined belong to different harvesting periods. As a result of the study, two early (7-217, 7-256), eight mid-season (7-100, 7-118, 7-133, 7-140, 7-236, 7-58, 7-94, 8-11) and two late maturing genotypes (7-161, 7-229) were determined. The field performances of these hybrids are evaluated and then register studies will be started.
Turgutoğlu, E., Kurt, S. and Demir, G. (2024). Development of new mandarin cultivars from ‘Satsuma’ × ‘Clementine’ hybridization combination. Acta Hortic. 1399, 81-84
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1399.10
Citrus, mandarin, breeding, hybridization, cultivar

Acta Horticulturae