Quantitative and qualitative characterization of Moroccan citrus lime accessions

B. Abbouch, O. Chetto, A. Talha, N. Handaji, K. Selmaoui, H. Benyahia
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) has a significant importance due to its economic value, nutritional benefits and frequent use in many cultural dishes. The aim of this study is to determine and compare some morphometric, qualitative and quantitative parameters of 28 lime accessions. A great morphological variability was detected according to the descriptor of Citrus spp. The majority of the accessions have a spheroid fruit shape, a thin, smooth skin with a yellowish color. L. Bitrouni V.C. has the highest fruit weight, L. Pursha N. has the thinnest peel (2.26 mm). The seeds are poly or monoembryonic except for L. Bears which is aspermous. On the other hand, the variance analysis of some quality parameters such as juice content, acidity, Brix, as well as the colorimetric index revealed statistically significant differences. Indeed, L. Tunisie V.C. has the highest juice content (71.56%), L. Key N. contains the highest percentage of citric acid (6.89%) and L. Pursha N. has the highest °Brix (10°). It also appears that the accessions L. Karna Khatta V.C. and L. Bears V.C. have the best characteristics; a high percentage of juice with a medium size and a high acidity.
Abbouch, B., Chetto, O., Talha, A., Handaji, N., Selmaoui, K. and Benyahia, H. (2024). Quantitative and qualitative characterization of Moroccan citrus lime accessions. Acta Hortic. 1399, 85-100
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1399.11
Morocco, lime, accession, morphometrics, quality, acidity, juice

Acta Horticulturae