Comparing the response of Citrus ×limon and Citrus ×sinensis to Trioza erytreae infestation using a proteomic approach

T. Magalhães, S.A. Dandlen, L. Anjos, D.M. Power, J.A. Pereira, A. Duarte, N.T. Marques
Citrus production is on high alert because of the devastating disease Huanglongbing (HLB), caused by the bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter spp. With no viable treatment, current management practices rely on the control of its vectors, such as the African citrus psyllid, Trioza erytreae (del Guercio, 1918), which is already in the Mediterranean region (Portugal and north of Spain). This vector develops better in some citrus hosts, with Citrus ×limon described as the preferred host. To better understand the molecular response of citrus hosts to the psyllid, the phloem proteome of lemon (Citrus ×limon) and orange (Citrus ×sinensis) plants infested with T. erytreae was compared with equivalent non infested plants. Infestation was established with isolated plants by exposing them to 10 T. erytreae adults. Nymphs of T. erytreae at the 4-5th instar stage were removed from plants and infested leaf phloem was extracted. In control plants phloem was extracted from leaves of a similar size and developmental stage. The experiment was done under controlled conditions of temperature, light and humidity. Phloem was analysed by nanoLC-MS/MS. A total of 48 and 1265 differentially abundant proteins (DAP) were identified in lemon and orange plants, respectively, with 18 proteins common to both species. The topmost enriched GO terms retrieved for upregulated proteins in lemon plants were assigned to organic acid and cellular amino acid metabolic processes. The topmost enriched GO terms in orange plants included organonitrogen compound metabolic process, cellular component assembly, establishment of protein localization, while downregulated terms were associated with carbohydrate metabolic process. This study revealed that T. erytreae infestation promoted distinct modifications in the phloem proteome of lemon and orange plants. This work is part of a group of studies that focus on this insect-plant interaction that aims for more informed and improved T. erytreae control.
Magalhães, T., Dandlen, S.A., Anjos, L., Power, D.M., Pereira, J.A., Duarte, A. and Marques, N.T. (2024). Comparing the response of Citrus ×limon and Citrus ×sinensis to Trioza erytreae infestation using a proteomic approach. Acta Hortic. 1399, 379-386
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1399.47
African citrus psyllid, Huanglongbing-HLB, lemon, nanoLC-MS/MS, orange, phloem

Acta Horticulturae