Plant-parasitic nematode management in pineapple
Management of nematodes in pineapple is evolving.
For decades after the discovery of 1,3-D in the 1940s, multiple nematicides were used but by the 21st century only a few products continued to be available for nematode management.
In a series of experiments, spirotetramant, abamectin and fluopyram were evaluated for nematode control in pineapple.
Spirotetramat was effective in greenhouse tests with a crown dip followed by a 1-month postplant application more effective than a single crown dip.
In the field, spirotetramat efficacy was less clear compared to a fenamiphos treatment.
Abamectin reduced nematode populations.
Sipes, B. (2024). Plant-parasitic nematode management in pineapple. Acta Hortic. 1402, 113-120
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1402.16
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1402.16
abamectin, Ananas comosus, fluopyram, reniform nematode, spirotetramat