Pomological evaluation of newly bred and market-established apple cultivars

J. Sedlak, B. Krska
Apple (Malus domestica L.) has a decisive share in the total Czech commercial fruit production. Based on the available statistics and market research, the apple harvest reached 133,895 t in Czech commercial orchards in 2022 and the share of apples in the total fruit production amounted to 83%, thereby completely surpassing any other cultivated fruit crop. From the point of view of human nutrition, apple trees provide nutritionally significant and valuable fruit, which is rich in fiber, vitamins, polyphenols, carbohydrates and minerals. Evaluation of a wide spectrum of promising newly bred and market-established cultivars, including their color mutations, was carried out in the plantings of RBIP Holovousy Ltd., as a basis for the creation of an atlas of marketable cultivars of apple with pomological descriptions. For the description of fruit characters, the classifier for apple was developed and used at RBIP Holovousy Ltd. This classifier is based on the principles of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). In terms of overall taste and quality, Czech cultivar ‘Rubin’ (‘Golden Delicious’ × ‘Lord Lambourne’) exceeded in evaluation. The taste quality of the fruit and its nutritional properties are, together with the attractiveness of the appearance, decisive for the consumer’s preferences of choice.
Sedlak, J. and Krska, B. (2024). Pomological evaluation of newly bred and market-established apple cultivars. Acta Hortic. 1412, 207-210
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1412.31
Malus, fruit, quality, taste, classifier

Acta Horticulturae