Plant density and fertilization for fruit yield and seed production in round pepper

D.C. Constantin, M.A. Buzatu, M.C. Gheorghe
Planting distances, combined with an appropriate fertilization with calcium nitrate, can strongly influence fruit yield and seed production in round pepper. The present scientific experiment was carried out at the Research and Development Institute for Vegetable and Flower Growing Vidra, Ilfov County, Romania. The bifactorial experiment aimed to establish an optimal planting scheme for both yield and seed production in round pepper, in the conditions in which fertilization works are applied or not. The first experimental factor consisted of three planting schemes, with three graduations: 70 cm between rows and 20 cm between plants, 50 cm between rows and 23 cm between plants and, respectively, 30 cm between rows and 25 cm between plants. The second experimental factor was fertilizing treatments, with two graduations: unfertilized and fertilized with a mixture of calcium nitrate and bioactive product Auxi 4C, by three treatments, at an interval of 10 days. As biological material was used the cultivar ‘Asteroid 204’. The influence of these factors on fruit yield and fruit mass was studied. Regarding seed production, the quantity of seeds and their quality were studied. The weight of 1000 seeds and the final germination was measured, and the vigor of the seedlings at 14 days after sowing was determined by their mass, their length and the vigor index of the seeds. The use of fertilizer treatments led to an increase in yield and seed production, at schemes of planting of 50 cm between rows and 23 cm between plants and, respectively, at 30 cm between rows and 25 cm between plants.
Constantin, D.C., Buzatu, M.A. and Gheorghe, M.C. (2025). Plant density and fertilization for fruit yield and seed production in round pepper. Acta Hortic. 1416, 85-92
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.11
Ascophyllum nodosum, calcium nitrate, fruit yield, seed quality

Acta Horticulturae