Effects of different nutrient concentrations on dill production in floating system

E. Okudur, S. Tan, Y. Tüzel
During the last two decades, there is a a growing interest toward more sustainable systems in crop production, and hydroponic production is one of them. The use of hydroponic systems is increasing worldwide, however, nutrient solution recipies are required to modify and/or adapt for edible vegetables to optimize the productivity. In this study, five different concentrations of Hoagland and Arnon nutrient solution were examined in dill cultivation by changing the macroelement ratios (25, 50, 75, 100 and 125%) using the floating water culture technique. Micronutrient concentrations were kept constant. Plant growth and yield parameters, plant color and leaf nutrient content were determined. The highest plant growth and yield values were obtained at the macroelement concentration of 25%. The nutrient solution having 125% macroelement concentration reduced shoot height, shoot fresh weight, root length, root fresh weight and shoot dry weight by 45.65, 69.41, 27.44, 48.57, 69.12% compared to 25%. Macroelement content of leaves changed between N (%) 3.62-4.41, K (%) 6.99-3.81, Ca (%) 1.13-0.41, Mg (%) 0.49-0.26. It was concluded that 25% of macroelement concentration of Hoagland and Arnon nutrient solution in a floating system for dill production could allow to reduce the cost of inputs and negative environmental impacts.
Okudur, E., Tan, S. and Tüzel, Y. (2025). Effects of different nutrient concentrations on dill production in floating system. Acta Hortic. 1416, 121-128
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.16
Anethum graveolens L., Hoagland and Arnon, soilless culture, hydroponics, yield

Acta Horticulturae