Effects of water deficit on some local tomato genotypes grown in soil under greenhouse conditions
This study was carried out to determine the effects of different irrigation levels on some local tomato genotypes under unheated soil greenhouse conditions.
In this framework, a total of 13 genotypes including 12 local genotypes (S. lycopersicum) and 1 F1 cultivar (‘Lapçin’ F1) as control were included in the experiment.
In the study, which was carried out with 2 replications according to the split-plot experimental design in randomized blocks, irrigation treatments were included in the main plots and plant genotypes were included in the sub-plots.
The main plots were cultivated under full irrigation and two different water deficit treatments.
In the full irrigation treatment (Ir0), 20% of the available water capacity of the plant root zone was allowed to be consumed and irrigation was applied to bring the deficient soil moisture to the field capacity, while 70% (Ir1) and 40% (Ir2) of the water applied to the full irrigation was applied to the deficit irrigation treatments, respectively.
During and after the experiment, measurements and analyzes related to yield, irrigation and leaf element contents were carried out.
In the study, total yield decreased by 30.7 and 65.2% in Ir1 and Ir2 compared to Ir0, respectively, and total fruit number also decreased with increasing water deficit.
When the yield-dependent water use efficiency and irrigation water use efficiency values were examined, the highest results were obtained in Ir0, while a decrease was observed with the increase of deficit, however, response of genotypes showed differences.
Leaf element contents of the genotypes decreased with increasing water deficit.
Durdu, T., Tüzel, Y., Saley Harouna, O., Tepecik, M., Kaygısız Aşcıoğul, T. and Öztekin, G.B. (2025). Effects of water deficit on some local tomato genotypes grown in soil under greenhouse conditions. Acta Hortic. 1416, 207-214
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.27
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.27
Solanum lycopersicum, drought, stress, yield, WUE