Vegetative reproduction, fruit production and quality parameters of three strawberry (Fragaria spp.) cultivars tested in indoor farming
Strawberries (Fragaria sp.) are highly nutritious and globally cultivated soft fruits, with production methods classified based on technological capacity: from low-tech open-field conditions to highly productive high-tech vertical farms.
As arable land availability declines and the effects of climate change intensify, the demand for vertical farming solutions grows.
This study investigates strawberry production within an indoor controlled environment, focusing on three cultivars: ‘Albion’, ‘Charlotte’, and ‘Sonata’. The experiment evaluates the growth of runners, mother plants, and berry yield, with particular attention to the suitability of these cultivars for vertical farming systems.
In this trial, the complete growing cycle indoors was tested.
Strawberry plantlets were propagated and cultivated under indoor conditions, with the first crop of runners followed by the berry crop.
Yield, growth factors, and propagation capacity were analyzed using ANOVA and correlation. ‘Albion’ demonstrated a good yield of both fruits and runners, ‘Charlotte’ showed high sugar levels in its fruits but exhibited many physiological flower distortions and weak rooting and growth, while ‘Sonata’ produced higher yields.
Across all cultivars, the number of runners had little impact on fruit output.
With this technology it is possible to collect two yields: the production of plantlets for the next crop rotation and the berry yield, to ensure continuous production.
Sparinska, A., Purmale, L., Korica, A., Gulbis, G., Gailīte, M., virksts, K., Ence, E. and Joffe, R. (2025). Vegetative reproduction, fruit production and quality parameters of three strawberry (Fragaria spp.) cultivars tested in indoor farming. Acta Hortic. 1416, 251-258
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.33
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.33
strawberry, CEA, indoor farming, propagation