The effect of cultivar type on the production of Spinacia oleracea L.

T. Novac
The aim of the research is to study the best performing cultivars in relation to growth, yield and quality of spinach production. The research was carried out in a private vegetable farm. Four spinach cultivars – ‘Clipper’ F1 (C), ‘Mercat’ F1, ‘Matador’ and ‘Victoria’ were studied to determine the growth, development and yield. For spinach, the aerial part of the plant is an important parameter that characterizes the degree of plant development and the optimal harvesting time. The period from sowing to emergence, on average over the years of experience, did not vary greatly depending on the cultivar, being within the limits of 9-10 days. Since the experiment was established in the greenhouse, all the variants had optimal germination conditions, which favored the acceleration of seed germination and uniform plant emergence. The total number of leaves plant‑1 depending on the cultivar was 9.2 (V4 ‘Victoria’) up to 13.0-12.5 leaves (V1 ‘Clipper’ and V3 ‘Matador’). During the vegetation period, the cultivars studied formed a height of the rosette that varied within the limit of 15.2-19.8 cm. We found that plants with wider and longer leaves, form a higher rosette height, and plants that form a long petiole – a semi-spreading rosette of leaves. It is difficult to identify all the existing spinach cultivars, that differ a lot according to the shape of the rosette, the color and the way the leaves are spread, the length, width and shape of the leaf. Determination of leaf area was realized with the Portable Leaf Area Meter. The total leaf area plant‑1 directly influenced the measured leaf traits: leaf blade width, leaf blade length, as well as the number of leaves plant‑1. The largest leaf area was recorded for the hybrid ‘Clipper’ F1 being 102 cm2.
Novac, T. (2025). The effect of cultivar type on the production of Spinacia oleracea L.. Acta Hortic. 1416, 267-272
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.35
cultivars, leaves, spinach, growth, aerial part, vegetation period, yield

Acta Horticulturae