Hydroponic Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr. & Maxim) as a source of biologically active compounds and herbal tea

A. Vardanyan, L. Ghalachyan, A. Tadevosyan, A. Hakobjanyan, A. Sardaryan, M. Daryadar
The production of functional foods and herbal teas is a pressing issue in the world. In this regard, the introduction of the rare, adaptogenic and immunomodulatory medicinal plant Siberian ginseng – Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr. & Maxim) (ES) and the development of hydroponic technology for its cultivation are promising. This study aims to obtain herbal tea and biologically active compounds (BAC) from the leaves of ES using the hydroponic method. Experiments were carried out using the EBB & FLOW outdoor hydroponic system and soil culture in the experimental field of the Institute of Hydroponics Problems in Ararat Valley. The plants were fed 2 times a day with Davtyan’s nutrient solution (N 200 mg L‑1, P 65 mg L‑1, K 350 mg L‑1, pH 5.8-6.5, EC 1.2-1.3 mS cm‑1). The content of major BAC (eleutherosides, flavonoids, phenolic acids, vitamin “C”, carotenoids, chlorophyll a, b), and gross beta-radioactivity in the leaves of ES were studied. According to the results, the content of total flavonoids and eleutherosides was 1.6 and 1.5 times higher, respectively, in hydroponic leaves than in soil plants during the fruiting phase. The content of phenolic acids in the leaves of hydroponic and soil plants formed the following descending range: chlorogenic > rosmarinic > gallic > caffeic acids. During the vegetation period in fresh leaves of ES, the content of vitamin “C” and chlorophyll (a+b) in hydroponic leaves was 1.2 times higher and the content of carotenoids was 1.3 times lower than in soil plants. The gross beta-radioactivity of ES leaves in hydroponics and soil did not exceed 1.0 Bq g‑1, which can be considered radioecologically safe according to acceptable WHO standards. Thus, this study is of practical importance, as ES leaves grown by hydroponic and soil methods can serve as a rich source for antioxidant herbal teas, BAC, dietary supplements, etc.
Vardanyan, A., Ghalachyan, L., Tadevosyan, A., Hakobjanyan, A., Sardaryan, A. and Daryadar, M. (2025). Hydroponic Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr. & Maxim) as a source of biologically active compounds and herbal tea. Acta Hortic. 1416, 287-294
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.38
Siberian ginseng, EBB & FLOW system, eleutherosides, flavonoids, phenolic acids, chlorophyll (a, b), gross β-radioactivity

Acta Horticulturae