Distribution and flight activity of the asparagus moth, Parahypopta caestrum, in southern Italy as monitored by pheromone traps

O.M. Pistillo, I. D’Isita, F. Lo Muzio, M. Acquaviva, G. Iadarola, M. Coduti, A. Di Palma, G.S. Germinara
The asparagus moth, Parahypopta caestrum (Hübner) (Lepidoptera, Cossidae), is among the most damaging pests of Asparagus spp. in many Mediterranean areas. Adults lay eggs in the soil near the shoots and larvae bore the roots causing the destruction of asparagus plantations in a few years. Due to the cryptic nature of immature stages, control of this pest is very difficult. The recent identification of the female sex pheromone of P. caestrum can contribute to developing effective monitoring and control means. In this study, sex pheromone traps were used to define the presence, distribution, and flight period of P. caestrum adults in the main Italian area of green asparagus production. Funnel traps (Novatrap, Novapher, Italy), baited with green rubber septum dispensers loaded with a multicomponent sex-pheromone blend, were positioned in green asparagus production sites located in Foggia and Campobasso provinces (southern Italy). Observations were carried out during May and June 2021-2023. P. caestrum adults showed one period of flight activity per year. Adult emergence occurred from the third decade of May to the second decade of June, in 2021 and 2022, whereas it lasted until the end of June in 2023 likely due to higher precipitation levels and lower soil temperatures during April to June. The monitoring activity highlighted differences among areas and years in terms of pest abundance and pattern of flight activity, indicating high accuracy and sensitivity of the sex-pheromone traps as a very useful monitoring tool in integrated pest management of P. caestrum.
Pistillo, O.M., D’Isita, I., Lo Muzio, F., Acquaviva, M., Iadarola, G., Coduti, M., Di Palma, A. and Germinara, G.S. (2025). Distribution and flight activity of the asparagus moth, Parahypopta caestrum, in southern Italy as monitored by pheromone traps. Acta Hortic. 1416, 325-330
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.42
Lepidoptera, Cossidae, Asparagus, pest monitoring, integrated pest management, sustainable control

Acta Horticulturae