How does production of organic vegetables meet the market demand in Germany?

H. Garming
Organic vegetable production in Germany has increased significantly in the past ten years and reached about 15% of the total vegetable area in 2023. This is a much higher share than for organic arable farming with only 6.5% of total acreage. Yet, organic vegetable production is still far behind the targets set for organic production on national and EU-level. The aim of this study is to analyse the development of production and the trends in the demand for organic vegetables in Germany in order to identify growth potential and constraints for organic vegetable production in Germany. National agricultural production statistics, market data and international trade statistics are the data sources used in this study. Results show that there are large differences in the organic share of area under cultivation between different crops. While more than 20% of the production area of carrots or beet roots is cultivated organically, this proportion is significantly lower for most cabbage and lettuce cultivars. Reasons can be found in agronomic challenges and market structures. The higher proportion of organic production also corresponds with higher demand for the respective vegetable products. This indicates the consumers’ preferences for local or regional production. However, purchasing behaviour and demand for organic vegetables are changing over time. Over the past years, food retail companies have gained shares of the fresh organic vegetable market. At the same time, price premiums for organic vegetables have decreased. Also, the demand for vegetables with high import shares, such as tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, is also increasing. The analysis of data on developments in cultivation, demand, imports and price trends shows that there is still growth potential for organic vegetable production in Germany. The need for research and public support is seen in the further development of organic production systems and value chains.
Garming, H. (2025). How does production of organic vegetables meet the market demand in Germany?. Acta Hortic. 1416, 493-500
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.63
organic vegetables, market structure, value chains, vegetable demand and supply

Acta Horticulturae