Possibilities of implementing the HACCP plan for tomato crop
Food safety plays an important role in the lives of end consumers, who want to purchase safe, quality, and safe products.
In the category of the most consumed foods, vegetable products are obtained ecologically or conventionally (vegetables, fruits). On the top of consumer preferences, the most sought-after are organic plant products, obtained from ecologically certified farms that generally use natural fertilizers.
In vegetable production, especially in an ecological system, a series of risk factors can be inventoried and defined within the technological flow.
As in other food fields and in the field of organic vegetable growing, there are risks in the production of vegetable crops.
This risk is represented by a phenomenon, process, or action from outside or inside a system that can disrupt the system.
Knowing the risk factors is very important throughout the technological flow because in this way we can prevent the occurrence of dangers that can lead to crop compromise.
In such a case, the role of this food safety system is to identify the danger and reduce it to a minimum.
Cultivation technology generally uses natural resources (soil, climate), human resources, and financial resources.
During the technology, both natural factors and anthropogenic factors can change from their values and mode of action, thus leading to damages, processes, facts, and unwanted events that affect the technological process and not ultimately the vegetable harvest.
Rusu, O.R., Teliban, G.C., Borș, A., Floriștean, V.C., Vlad, Gh., Cojocaru, A., Roșca, M. and Stoleru, V. (2025). Possibilities of implementing the HACCP plan for tomato crop. Acta Hortic. 1416, 501-508
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.64
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.64
HACCP, risk, organic plant products